- 基于侧扫声纳方法的框架式人工鱼礁测量 [2018-10-16]
- 南海南部次表层叶绿素a质量浓度最大值及其影响因子 [2018-10-16]
- 南海柘林湾海洋牧场生物碳储量研究 [2018-10-16]
- 粤东柘林湾甲壳类群落结构季节变化分析 [2018-10-16]
- Nitrogen uptake and growth responses of seedlings of the brown seaweed Sargassum hemiphyllum under controlled culture conditions [2018-10-16]
- Persistence and spatial variation of antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial populations change in reared shrimp in South China [2018-10-16]
- A new set of primers for COI amplification from purpleback flying squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) [2018-10-16]
- Genomic structure and molecular characterization of Toll-like receptors 1 and 2 from golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus, 1758) and theirexpression response to three types of pathogenassociated molecular patterns [2018-10-16]
- 2016年秋季南海中部微型浮游动物类群组成及其摄食研究 [2018-10-16]
- 罗非鱼酶解物矿物离子结合能力及其结合物抗氧化活性 [2018-10-16]
- 四种鲍鱼肌肉营养成分分析与品质评价 [2018-10-16]
- 海藻多糖的提取、分离纯化与应用研究进展 [2018-10-16]
- 华南沿海地区近江牡蛎重金属污染调查与评价 [2018-10-16]
- The protective effects of taurine on oxidative stress, cytoplasmic free-Caand apoptosis of pufferfish (Takifugu obscurus) under low temperature stress [2018-10-16]
- 海洋藻类藻胆蛋白的提取、纯化与应用研究进展 [2018-10-15]
- 包装方式和材料对调理脆肉鲩鱼片冷藏过程品质的影响 [2018-10-15]
- 中华白海豚骨骼度量特征Ⅰ.脊椎骨 [2018-10-15]
- 番石榴叶水提取物对拟穴青蟹免疫相关酶活力的影响 [2018-10-15]
- 磺胺甲噁唑和磺胺嘧啶在青石斑鱼组织中的分布及代谢规律 [2018-10-15]
- Seasonal occurrence of Perkinsus spp. and tissue distribution of P. olseni in clam ( Soletellina acuta ) from coastal waters of Wuchuan County, southern China. [2018-10-15]