- 大米肽功能饮料的研制 [2018-10-16]
- Purification and molecular characterization of a Metschnikowia saccharicola killer toxin lethal to a crab pathogenic yeast [2018-10-16]
- 天然鱼翅翅针中氨基酸和脂肪酸组成分析与评价 [2018-10-16]
- 渔业数据失真对两种非平衡剩余产量模型评估结果的影响比较 [2018-10-16]
- 南海北部近海竹荚鱼栖息地分布特征 [2018-10-16]
- 养殖大黄鱼保鲜、加工技术现状 [2018-10-16]
- 石斑鱼的营养、保鲜与加工技术现状 [2018-10-16]
- Impact on primary production by mesoscale eddies in the northwest South China Sea: A case study by satellite and field observation [2018-10-16]
- 基于COI基因序列的长腹剑水蚤系统进化关系 [2018-10-16]
- 大亚湾人工鱼礁区和岛礁区浮游动物群落特征及对仔稚鱼的影响 [2018-10-16]
- 大亚湾大型底栖动物近30年次级生产力变化特征 [2018-10-16]
- 底质类型对三亚湾潮间带大型底栖动物生态功能的影响 [2018-10-16]
- 基于生物性状分析方法的不同恢复阶段无瓣海桑人工林湿地大型底栖动物生态功能研究 [2018-10-16]
- Effects of high temperature on biochemical parameters, oxidative stress,DNA damage and apoptosis of pufferfish (Takifugu obscurus) [2018-10-16]
- Identification of MicroRNAs and Their Target Genes Associated with Ovarian Development in Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) Using High-Throughput Sequencing [2018-10-16]
- 池塘养殖卵形鲳鲹早期形态性状与体质量的灰色关联分析 [2018-10-16]
- 网箱养殖黄斑篮子鱼胚胎发育观察 [2018-10-16]
- 基于线粒体DNA D-loop序列的黄斑篮子鱼群体遗传多样性分析 [2018-10-16]
- The complete mitochondrial genome of Thryssa hamiltonii and phylogenetic analysis of Engraulidae (Clupeiformes ;Clupeoidei) [2018-10-16]
- Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of Glossogobius giuris (Perciformes: Gobiidae) [2018-10-16]