- 响应面法优化拟威尔嗜杀酵母Cyberlindnera mrakii WM1代谢产嗜杀因子的发酵条件 [2018-05-07]
- 深圳鹅公湾水域渔业资源季节变动分析 [2018-05-07]
- 固相萃取在元素形态分析中的应用 [2018-05-07]
- 人工基质对凡纳滨对虾免疫和消化相关指标的影响 [2018-05-07]
- 来源于腌干鱼的乳酸菌中抗氧化酶及胞外多糖研究 [2018-05-07]
- Heavy metals in fish tissues/stomach contents in four marine wild commercially valuable fish species from the western continental shelf of South China Sea [2018-05-07]
- Development of coding single nucleotide polymorphic markers in the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata based on next-generation sequencing and high-resolution melting analysis [2018-05-07]
- 合浦珠母贝选育组和对照组生长性状相关分析 [2018-05-07]
- Finite element modeling of elastic deformations of a floating fish cage collar under regular and irregular waves [2017-09-11]
- 基于张网渔业休渔前后的黄茅海河口渔业资源群落比较 [2017-09-11]
- 饲料脂肪水平对眼斑双锯鱼幼鱼生长性能和体成分的影响 [2017-09-11]
- 急性盐度胁迫对克氏双锯鱼幼鱼过氧化氢酶的影响 [2017-09-11]
- 急性盐度胁迫对克氏双锯鱼幼鱼血清皮质醇浓度和Na+-K+-ATP酶活性的影响 [2017-09-11]
- 添加物和体外模拟胃肠道消化对鸢乌贼抗氧化肽稳定性的影响 [2017-09-11]
- 响应面法优化酶解罗非鱼皮制备抗氧化肽的工艺研究 [2017-09-11]
- 鸢乌贼酶解产物的抗氧化稳定性与功能特性 [2017-09-11]
- 乳酸菌的抗氧化活性及其在水产品加工中的应用 [2017-09-11]
- 急性低盐胁迫对斜带石斑鱼幼鱼存活、血清离子浓度和内分泌激素水平的影响 [2017-09-11]
- Simultaneous determination of eugenol, isoeugenol and methyleugenol in fish fillet using gas chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry [2017-09-11]
- 南海灯笼鱼加工优质鱼粉的关键工艺研究 [2017-09-11]