- 不同蛋白水平下添加小肽对石斑鱼生长、消化酶、血清生化和抗氧化能力的影响 [2016-08-09]
- 南方紫海胆摄食习性的初步研究 [2016-08-09]
- 南沙群岛西南部陆架区底层鱼类营养结构研究 [2016-08-09]
- Identification and involvement of ferritin in the response to pathogen challenge in the abalone, Haliotis diversicolor [2016-08-09]
- Osteological ontogeny and malformations in larval and juvenile golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus 1758) [2016-08-09]
- Effect of temperature on growth, survival and occurrence of skeletal deformity in the golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus larvae [2016-08-09]
- Salinity regulates antioxidant enzyme and Na+K+-ATPase activities of juvenile golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus 1758) [2016-08-09]
- Effect of salinity on the rearing performance of juvenile golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus 1758) [2016-08-09]
- 高压静电场结合冰温气调保鲜技术对罗非鱼鱼片品质的影响 [2016-08-09]
- 酒糟罗非鱼间歇真空糟制工艺研究 [2016-08-09]
- 分离自腌干鱼的抗氧化发酵菌株的筛选与鉴定 [2016-08-09]
- Composition and distribution of planktonic ciliates in the southern South China Sea during late summer: comparison between surface and 75m layer [2016-08-09]
- Molecular Characterization of Pinctada fucata MyD88 and its Response to Lipopolysaccharides and Polyinosinic-cytidylic Acid [2016-08-09]
- The effect of muscle-regulatory genes and satellite cell response to recombinant Hsp70 protein from Megalobrama amblycephala skeletal muscle malabaricus) [2016-08-09]
- Contamination, bioaccessibility and human health risk of heavy metals in exposed-lawn soils from 28 urban parks in southern China's largest city, Guangzhou [2016-08-09]
- 响应面法优化酶解鸢乌贼制备抗氧化肽的工艺研究 [2016-08-09]
- Response of a Mu-class glutathione S-transferase from black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon to aflatoxin B1 exposure [2016-08-09]
- 珠江口浅海4种经济虾类的食性和营养级研究 [2016-08-09]
- 水产品质量与安全控制的蛋白质组学研究 [2016-08-09]
- 渔业环境及水产品中药物和个人护理用品(PPCPs)的研究进展 [2016-08-09]