- 腌制鱼类中内源性酶类对制品品质影响的研究进展 [2016-06-14]
- 鱼类脱脂方法研究进展 [2016-06-14]
- 稻壳作为反硝化碳源在海水中的脱氮性能研究 [2016-06-14]
- 工厂化循环水养殖系统中生物填料的研究现状 [2016-06-14]
- 海洋执法机构整合背景下南海渔业的发展 [2016-06-14]
- DNA barcoding reveals mislabeling of imported fish products in Nansha new port of Guangzhou,Guangdong province, China [2016-06-14]
- The complete mitochondrial genome of the hybrid grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (,) Epinephelus lanceolatus ( [2016-06-14]
- The complete nucleotide sequence of Malabar grouper (Epinephelus [2016-06-14]
- 合浦珠母贝3 个养殖群体双列杂交F1 代的生长和遗传分析 [2016-06-14]
- 响应面法优化合浦珠母贝糖胺聚糖提取工艺 [2016-06-14]
- 斜带髭鲷和紫红笛鲷早期发育阶段游泳能力的研究 [2016-06-14]
- Development and characterization of 23 polymorphic microsatellite markers for banana shrimp Fenneropenaeus merguiensis [2016-06-14]
- 四指马鲅(Eleutheronema tetradactylum)受精卵和仔鱼对不同盐度的耐受性研究 [2016-06-14]
- Epidemiological characterization of VNNV in hatchery-reared and wild marine fish on Hainan Island, China, and experimental infection of golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus) juveniles [2016-06-14]
- 冰藏过程中罗非鱼鱼片肌肉蛋白质变化 [2016-06-14]
- Fuzzy comprehensive assessment of heavy metals and Pb isotopic signature in surface sediments from a bay under serious anthropogenic influences: DayaBay,China [2016-06-14]
- 不同蛋白水平饲料对斑节对虾家系生长及生长相关基因mRNA表达量的影响 [2016-06-14]
- Metals in exposed-lawn soils from 18 urban parks and its human health implications in southern China's largest city, Guangzhou [2016-05-05]
- 3月龄卵形鲳鲹形态性状对体质量的影响分析 [2016-05-05]
- 海萝中抗紫外辐射物质的提取工艺优化研究 [2016-05-05]