- Growth and Survival Variations of Penaeus monodon from Six Breeding Families [2017-03-13]
- 斑节对虾组织蛋白酶L 基因的克隆及其表达分析 [2017-03-13]
- 斑节对虾cyclin G2基因克隆及不同刺激下的表达分析 [2017-03-13]
- 浸渍冻结对调理草鱼冻藏过程中肌原纤维蛋白特性的影响 [2017-03-13]
- Effect of Ultrastructure on Changes of Textural Characteristics between Crisp Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idellus?C.Et V) and Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idellus) Inducing Heating Treatment [2017-03-13]
- Effect of Dietary Marine Red Yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa on the Growth Performance, and also Non-Specific Immune Responses of Juvenile Golden Pompano Trachinotus Ovatus when Challenged with Vibrio [2017-03-13]
- Effects of Dietary Arachidonic Acid Levels on Growth Performance, Whole-Body Proximate Composition, Digestive Enzyme Activities and Gut Morphology of Juvenile Golden Pompano Trachinotus ovatus [2017-03-13]
- Effects of Dietary Isoleucine Levels on the Growth Performance, Feed Utilization, and Serum Biochemical Indices of Juvenile Golden Pompano, Trachinotus ovatus [2017-03-13]
- 基于线粒体控制区序列的南海圆舵鲣种群遗传结构分析 [2017-03-13]
- Bioaccessibility of Microamount Metal Elements in Oyster and Cam Samples Using in vitro Digestion [2017-03-13]
- 响应面法优化微波辅助提取长茎葡萄蕨藻中蕨藻红素 [2017-03-13]
- 海萝(gloiopeltis furcata)藻体保存和容器内的培养方法 [2017-03-13]
- Ammonia and salinity tolerance of Penaeus monodon across eight breeding [2017-03-13]
- 甲壳动物肠道免疫系统的研究进展 [2017-03-13]
- 营养盐对海萝生长和藻体生化成分的影响 [2017-03-13]
- 稻壳作为反硝化碳源在海水中的脱氮性能研究 [2017-03-13]
- 粤西近岸海域浮游植物群落的生态特征 [2017-03-13]
- Mitochondrial genome of the Mackerel scad Decapterus macarellus (Perciformes: Carangidae) [2017-03-13]
- 褐毛鲿早期发育阶段行为选择和游泳能力的研究 [2017-03-13]
- 黑潮入侵对南海东北部初级生产力的影响 [2017-03-13]