- Study on co-pyrolysis synergistic mechanism of seaweed and rice husk by investigation of the characteristics of charcoke [2019-10-29]
- 防城港人工礁区内5种恋礁鱼类的声学标志跟踪 [2019-10-29]
- Plankton ciliate community responses to different aquatic environments in Nan’ao Island, a representative mariculture base in the South China Sea [2019-10-29]
- Determination of 23 perfluorinated alkylated substances in water and suspended particles by ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry [2019-10-29]
- 深圳大鹏澳海域翡翠贻贝中麻痹性贝类毒素的含量特征及生物相关因子分析 [2019-10-29]
- Bioaccessibility and human health implications of heavy metals in different trophic level marine organisms: A case study of the South China Sea [2019-10-29]
- 南海北部陆坡海域瓦氏眶灯鱼的渔业生物学特征 [2019-10-29]
- 南海鸢乌贼微型群体的摄食习性研究 [2019-10-29]
- Isoaltion and characterisation of Vibrio harveyi as etiological agent of foot pustule disease in the abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino 1953 [2019-10-29]
- 不同养殖方式方格星虫的营养组成比较 [2019-10-29]
- 卵形鲳鲹幼鱼对维生素B2的需要量 [2019-10-29]
- 响应面法优化合浦珠母贝糖胺聚糖咀嚼片的制备工艺 [2019-10-29]
- 合浦珠母贝糖胺聚糖泡腾片制备工艺优化及其质量分析 [2019-10-29]
- 南海北部近海竹荚鱼资源密度的概率分布型特征 [2019-10-29]
- 基于地统计学南海北部近海竹荚鱼资源空间分布特征 [2019-10-29]
- Coupled changes of bacterial community and function in the gut of mud crab (Scylla Paramamosain) in response to Baimang disease [2019-10-29]
- 传统鱼露发酵过程中细菌群落演替及对其挥发性风味形成的影响分析 [2019-10-29]
- Complete mitogenome of two dolphinfishes ( Coryphaena hippurus and [2019-10-29]
- The complete mitochondrial genome of cutlassfish ( Trichiurus japonicus ) from [2019-10-29]
- The effect of pH on the acute toxicity of phenanthrene in a marine microalgae Chlorella salina [2019-10-29]