- 海洋红酵母RH1菌株发酵培养条件的研究 [2012-04-17]
- 利用500 Hz方波连续音驯化南海真鲷幼鱼的效果 [2012-04-17]
- 高效液相色谱法测定生物胺衍生条件的优化研究 [2012-04-17]
- Biogenic amines in commercial fish and fish products sold in southern China [2012-04-17]
- Identification of a cobia (Rachycentron canadum) CC chemokine gene [2012-04-17]
- Population parameters and dynamic pool models of commercial fishes in the Beibu Gulf, northern South China Sea [2012-04-17]
- Antioxidant Responses and Bioaccumulation in Green-lipped Mussels (Perna Viridis) Under Acute Tributyltin Chloride Exposure [2012-04-17]
- Tetraspores Effects of light and temperature on the attachment and development of Gloiopeltis tenax and Gloiopeltis furcata [2012-04-17]
- Isolation and Identification of Nitrite-degrading Lactic Acid Bacteria from Salted Fish [2012-04-17]
- 高位池循环水养殖系统的构建及其水质调控效果 [2012-04-16]
- 海洋红酵母Y2发酵产类胡萝卜素条件的研究 [2012-04-16]
- Aquaculture site selection and carrying capacity management in China(我国水产养殖选址和养殖容量管理现状) [2012-04-16]
- 广东省柘林湾海域溜牛礁区建礁可行性研究 [2012-04-16]
- 600 Hz方波连续音对真鲷幼鱼驯化效果研究 [2012-04-16]
- 抗对虾白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)中草药的筛选及番石榴叶水提取物对WSSV致病性的影响 [2012-04-16]
- 白莲花粉中β胡萝卜素的提取与测定 [2012-04-16]
- 北部湾秋季底层鱼类多样性和优势种数量的变动趋势 [2012-04-16]
- 大亚湾西部部春季大型底栖动物群落特征 [2012-04-16]
- 卵形鲳鲹在冰藏过程中鲜度变化研究 [2012-04-16]
- 咸带鱼加工过程挥发性风味成分的变化 [2012-04-16]