- The Analysis on Nanhai No. 1 Shipwreck Site Based on the Mollusca Debris Data [2021-02-04]
- 不同寡营养培养条件下南海水体细菌群落结构及其对碳源的利用特征 [2021-02-04]
- Effect of a high-collagen peptide diet on the gut microbiota and short-chain [2021-02-04]
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- Analysis and evaluation of nutritional components in liver of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) [2021-02-04]
- Characteristics of Ammonia Removal and NitrifyingMicrobial Communities in a Hybrid Biofloc-RAS for Intensive Litopenaeus vannamei Culture:A Pilot-Scale Study" [2021-02-04]
- 南海北部陆坡海域生态系统营养结构和能量流动分析 [2021-02-04]
- Model selection for fish growth patterns based on a Bayesianapproach: A case study of five freshwater fish species [2021-02-04]
- Modeling Quality Changes in Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) During Storage: Comparison of the Arrhenius Model and Random Forest Model [2021-02-04]
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- Home for Marine Species: Seagrass Leaves as Vital Spawning Grounds and Food Source [2021-02-04]
- Comparison of digestive, immune and antioxidantenzyme activities of mackerel tuna (Euthynnusaffinis) in the wild and under captivity [2021-02-04]
- 代谢组学在水产品品质与安全中的研究进展 [2021-02-04]
- A quantitative method to analysis shrimp peelability and its application in the shrimp peeling process [2021-02-04]
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- 环境 DNA 在水生生态系统生物量评估中的研究进展 [2020-12-03]
- Optimized constructed wetlands enhance the removal and reduce the risks of steroid hormones in domestic wastewater [2020-12-03]
- 大亚湾珊瑚礁生态系统简化食物网的稳定同位素 [2020-12-03]