- 深圳海域造礁石珊瑚分布特点与多样性 [2017-09-11]
- 蓝圆鲹传统腌干过程中内源脂肪酶和脂质降解氧化的变化分析 [2017-09-11]
- "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in wildmarine organisms from South China Sea: Occurrence, sources, and human health implications" [2017-09-11]
- 牡蛎塭池中多环芳烃的分布、来源和生态风险评价 [2017-09-11]
- 抗氧化乳酸菌对发酵腌干带鱼脂肪氧化的影响及其主成分分析 [2017-09-11]
- 斑节对虾天门冬氨酸转氨酶基因的克隆及氨氮胁迫条件下的表达分析 [2017-09-11]
- 竹叶抗氧化物结合不同包装方式对鲜罗非鱼片保鲜效果的影响 [2017-09-11]
- Molecular cloning, characterization and expression analysis of a novel PDRG1 gene from black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) [2017-09-11]
- Genomic structure, expression pattern, and functional characterization of transcription factor E2F-2 from black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) [2017-09-11]
- 南海柘林湾鱼类群落结构季节变动的研究 [2017-09-11]
- "高压静电场解冻对罗非鱼片品质的影响” [2017-09-11]
- 复合酶水解法从罗非鱼血液中提取血红素及其性质研究 [2017-09-11]
- Effects of dietary Rhodiola rosea on growth, body composition and antioxidant capacity of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei under normal conditions and combined stress of low-salinity and nitrite [2017-09-11]
- 嗜杀酵母的生物学特性及其应用 [2017-09-11]
- 水酶法提取生物油脂的研究进展 [2017-09-11]
- "响应面法优化水产品低温保鲜冰配方的研究” [2017-09-11]
- "Effect of transglutaminase cross?linking on the conformational and emulsifying properties of peanut arachin and conarachin fractions" [2017-09-11]
- Genetic parameters of growth and resistance to Polydora ciliata in the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata [2017-09-11]
- Spatial and seasonal variations in the planktonic ciliate community and its relationship with environmental factors in Daya Bay, the South China Sea [2017-09-11]
- Parentage determination in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) based on microsatellite DNA markers [2017-09-11]