- 鲍鱼及其副产物综合加工利用研究进展 [2020-05-11]
- 基于Ecopath模型的珠江口6种增殖放流种类生态容纳量估算 [2020-05-11]
- 大亚湾黑鲷标志鱼放流及回捕率调查 [2020-05-11]
- 基于NodeJS的渔业资源调查数据采集系统框架重构 [2020-05-11]
- 科技期刊在同行评议环节存在的问题及对策 [2020-05-11]
- Quantitative proteomic analysis provides insights into the algicidal mechanism of Halobacillus sp. P1 against the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum [2020-05-11]
- Antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community dynamics in the seawater environment of Dapeng Cove, South China [2020-05-11]
- Contamination of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in a typical marine aquaculture farm: source tracking of ARGs in reared aquatic organisms [2020-05-11]
- Application of UHPLC-Q/TOF-MS-based metabolomics in the evaluation of metabolites and taste quality of Chinese fifish sauce (Yu-lu) during fermentation [2020-05-11]
- 中国不同海域养殖坛紫菜营养成分差异分析 [2020-05-11]
- Composition And Viriation Of The Polar Lipids In Round Scad (Decapterus Maruadsi) And Hairtail (Trichiurus Lepturus) During Salt-Drying [2020-05-11]
- Effects of stocking density on the growth performance, serum biochemistry, muscle composition and HSP70 gene expression of juvenile golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus, 1758). [2020-05-11]
- Structural and expression analysis of golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus IRF5 and its role in regulation of type I IFN [2020-05-11]
- Functional analysis of two MyoDs revealed their role in the activation of myomixer expression in yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) (Hottuyn, 1782) [2020-05-11]
- Interferon regulatory factor 2 plays a positive role in interferon gamma expression in golden pompano, Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus 1758) [2020-05-11]
- Transcriptomic changes in liver of juvenile Cynoglossus semilaevis following perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) exposure [2020-05-11]
- The complete mitochondrial genome of oceanic puffer ( Lagocephalus lagocephalus ) from South China Sea [2020-05-11]
- The complete mitochondrial genome of loliginid squid ( Uroteuthis chinensis ) from Minnan – Taiwan bank fishing ground [2020-05-11]
- The complete mitochondrial genome of frigate tuna (Auxis thazard) from South China Sea [2020-05-11]
- The complete mitochondrial genome of bullet tuna ( Auxis rochei ) from South China Sea [2020-05-11]