- Significant population genetic structure of yellowfin seabream Acanthopagrus latus China [2009-06-03]
- 地衣芽孢杆菌与3种微藻生长的相互影响 [2009-06-03]
- The characteristics of gelatin extracted from sturgeon(Acipenser baeri)skin using various pretreatments [2009-06-03]
- 饲料中添加芽孢杆菌和中草药制剂对凡那滨对虾免疫功能的影响 [2009-06-03]
- Molecular cloning and mRNA expression analysis of interleukin-8 gene in cyclophilin gene in Japanese sea perch(Lateolabrax japonicus) [2009-06-03]
- 中国南海野生斑节对虾5个地理群体线粒体16SrRNA基因序列比较分析 [2009-05-31]
- 亚临界流体中酶催化制备富含多不饱和脂肪酸甘油酯 [2009-05-31]
- 微波消解-铬天青S光度法测定海蜇产品中的明矾含量 [2009-05-31]
- 中国主要养殖罗非鱼亲缘关系的COI序列分析 [2009-05-31]
- 大亚湾大型底栖动物群落结构分析 [2009-05-31]
- 珠江三角洲地区凡那滨对虾多茬养殖技术 [2009-05-31]
- 水产品病原菌及其检测与控制技术研究进展 [2009-03-17]
- 南海北部陆架区甲壳类的种类组成和资源密度分布 [2009-03-17]
- 南海北部海区软骨鱼类种类组成和资源密度分布 [2009-03-17]
- Molecular cloning and mRNA expression of cyclophilin gene in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) [2009-03-13]
- Proposed new color retention method for tilapia fillets (O.niloticus♀×O.aureus♂) by euthanatizing with reduced carbon monoxide [2009-03-13]
- 酶法提取鲟鱼油工艺的研究 [2009-03-13]
- 气相色谱法测定水产品中三氯杀螨醇残留量 [2009-03-13]
- 益生菌对海水虾池浮游生物的生态调控效果研究 [2009-02-11]
- Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a heat shock protein(Hsp90) gene from black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) [2009-02-11]