【Author】 Guobao Chen 1,2,Yongzhen Li 1,Xinjun Chen2 1 South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Guangzhou 510300 2 Ocean College,Shanghai Fisheries University,Shanghai 200090
【机构】 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所; 上海水产大学海洋学院 上海200090; 上海水产大学海洋学院; 广州510300; 上海200090;
【摘要】 根据2004年5-7月和2005年3-4月采用深水三重刺网在南海的羚羊礁、华光礁、银砾滩、东岛、滨湄滩、排洪滩、本固暗沙、比微暗沙、武勇暗沙、海鸠暗沙、双子群礁、中业群礁、鲎藤礁、美济礁、仁爱礁、仙宾礁、南方浅滩、棕滩、大渊滩、永署礁、南薰礁、牛轭礁、道明群礁等23座主要珊瑚礁过渡性水域进行的2个航次专业调查资料,分析了南海主要珊瑚礁水域的鱼类种类组成和群落特征。结果表明,在珊瑚礁水域软骨鱼类以真鲨目和鲼目的种类数占优势,硬骨鱼类以鲈形目和鲀形目的种类数占优势。相对重要指数(IRI)大于500的鱼类定为优势种,西沙群岛有5种,分别为迈氏条尾魟(Taeniura meyeni)、长吻裸颊鲷(Lethrinus miniatus)、胡椒鲷(Plectorhinchus pictus)、黄斑胡椒鲷(P.flavomaculatus)和灰六鳃鲨(Hexanchus griseus);中沙群岛有6种,分别为黄斑胡椒鲷、迈氏条尾魟、圆燕鱼(Platax orbicularis)、密斑刺鲀(Dioson hystrix)、红裸颊鲷(Lethrinus rubrioperculatus)和胡椒鲷;南沙... 更多
【Abstract】 During May to July 2004 and March to April 2005,we carried out two cruise surveys on fish re-sources using trammel net in the adjacent waters of 23 coral reefs of the South China Sea. We analyzed fish species composition and community characteristics. The results showed that Carcharhiniformes and Mylio-batiformes were dominant families of the cartilaginous fishes,while Perciformes and Teraodontiformes were dominant families in the bony fishes. We defined the species with an Index of Relative Importance(IRI) >500 as dominant species. Accordingly,five dominant species were found in Xisha Archipelago waters,namely Taeniura meyeni,Lethrinus miniatus,Plectorhinchus pictus,P. flavomaculatus,and Hexanchus gri-seus. Six dominant species were found in the Zhongsha Archipelago water,namely Plectorhinchus fla-vomaculatus,Taeniura meyeni,Platax orbicularis,Dioson hystrix,Lethrinus rubrioperculatus,and Plec-torhinchus pictus,and the three dominant species were in the Nansha Archipelago water,Carcharhinus lim-batus,Triaenodon obesus,and Caranx stellatus. Since the fish body sizes varied remarkably,we calculated Margalef richness index,Shannon-Wiener index,Simpson index and Pielou evenness index based on both individual number and biomass. The results indicated that fish species diversity in coral reefs water were sig-nificantly different compared with those either in the northern or southwestern continental shelf waters of South China Sea. Fish species in similar habitats had higher similarity.
【Key words】 diversity; fish; coral reef; South China Sea; trammel net;
【基金】 国家科技基础条件平台工作重点项目(2003DEA6N042);广东省自然科学基金项目(04001263);国家社会公益研究专项项目
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