- 海洋红酵母对凡纳滨对虾生长及免疫的影响 [2013-09-16]
- Isolation and characterization of homologous TRBP cDNA for RNA interference in Penaeus monodon [2013-09-16]
- Influence of pH, ionic strength and temperature on adsorption of endosulfan to the aquaculture pond sediments [2013-09-16]
- 笼具形状对选育合浦珠母贝幼贝生长的影响 [2013-09-16]
- 养殖生态因子对合浦珠母贝 α- 淀粉酶基因表达的影响 [2013-09-16]
- 我国水产技术推广体系面临的困境及体制转型 [2013-09-16]
- 孔雀石绿在南美白对虾中的消除规律 [2013-09-16]
- 臭氧水对罗非鱼片色泽影响分析 [2013-09-16]
- 珠江口池养梭鱼鳃丝的光镜扫描和透射电镜观察 [2013-09-16]
- Dietary supplementation of honeysuckle improves the growth, survival and immunity of Penaeus monodon [2013-09-16]
- 青蟹呼肠孤病毒和青蟹双顺反子病毒-1双重巢式PCR检测方法的建立 [2013-09-16]
- Seasonal Community Structure of Mesozooplankton in the Daya Bay, South China Sea [2013-09-16]
- Latitudinal changes (6?S–20?N) of summer ciliate abundance and species compositions in surface waters from the Java Sea to the South China Sea [2013-09-16]
- Identi?cation and expression analysis of Dicer2 in black tiger shrimp [2013-09-16]
- 青龙斑仔、稚、幼鱼形态发育及饵料转变的观察 [2013-09-16]
- 一种环保型池塘鱼菜共生浮排介绍 [2013-09-16]
- 卵形鲳鲹不同月龄选育群体主要形态性状与体质量的相关性分析 [2013-09-16]
- 鲻脾脏和头肾的组织形态结构研究 [2013-09-16]
- 福尔马林固定鱼类标本DNA提取方法的优化 [2013-09-16]
- 海洋外来物种入侵对南海生态系统的影响和防控对策 [2013-09-16]